#4 In my 12 Sheds of Xmas from Greg in SA looks like an impenetrable fortress, and you can see why when you get a look at what’s behind it.
Related: 12 Sheds of Xmas
12 Sheds of Xmas #5
#5 In my 12 Sheds of Xmas comes from Lawry in QLD and it looks like some serious work gets done around here, as well as some serious fun, too. Love it! [scotty_sign] [display-posts id='2488, 2459' title='Related: 12 Sheds of Xmas' pos ... [read more]
12 Sheds of Xmas #3
#3 in my 12 Shed of Xmas, from Colin in Victoria, looks very stylish. The classic checker floor pattern is a nice touch. Beautiful. [scotty_sign] [display-posts id='2459, 2428' title='Related: 12 Sheds of Xmas' post_type="page,post" ... [read more]